The Meaning of Being a Man
1 August 2019How to save your life (COVID-19 advice that actually works)
1 April 2020How to calibrate your Soul Compass
On the journey of life and the experiences we go through daily, so many are rushing and forcing their way forward day after day.
How many of us lose sight of our destination and get lost on our way to what we once thought to be the ultimate goal of our lives…?
Our modern culture seems to be obsessed with speed rather than direction, with efficiency rather than destiny, most people are often so busy following the crowd that they forget to check their direction.
We don’t know where we are or where we are going; all we know is that we are making it in good time, right?
We watch the clock and congratulate ourselves for the efficiency of our lives.
We manage our schedules and timetables so well, we make the best use of information technology and we organise our lives very meticulously…
And yet, something is missing. Our lives may have efficiency but no direction.
Like any long journey, it is necessary to stop every once in a while, take note of where you are and where you are heading and calibrate your compass and plan your journey.
THIS is your roadblock… THIS is your wake-up call.
It’s time for some soul calibration…
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