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Your journey to empowerment starts with the decision to change.



A man on a mission to change lives for the better.

Dr. Anthony Wake is a distinguished expert in human behaviour, influence, persuasion, negotiation, and communication, with over two decades of experience.

As the visionary founder and CEO of Mindwalker (Pty) Ltd, he has become a prominent figure in corporate sales training and leadership skills development, revolutionising mental development and human potential.

Holding a PhD in Metaphysics, with specialisation in Hypnosis, Communication, and Behaviour, which he earned Summa Cum Laude, Dr Wake is also a recipient of the prestigious Akasha Award for Exceptional Academic Performance.

His professional credentials include board-certification as a Clinical Hypnotherapist (IMDHA), Certified Hypnotist (CH), and Certified Counsellor (CSC), Certified Master Trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP) and a Certified Facial Profiler and Behaviour Analyst, demonstrating his comprehensive grasp of non-verbal communication and behavioural dynamics.

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